
Khoma village | Explore colorful Bhutanese textile

Khoma village

The beautiful history of the Kishuthara kira in Khoma. It is a type of Kira with the most intricate patterned silk textile weaved by the women of this village. The weaving culture of Kishuthara in this village started during the time of the most famously known business man of Himalayan region called “Tshongpoen Norbu Zangpo”. It was during the trade fair at Tibet; Tshongpoen Norbu Zangpo gave his intricate patterned cloth to Yoesel Dema to wear during the trade fair, a woman from Khoma village staying at his home as a guest. When she reached back to her village, she first started to weave similar patterned cloth from the fibre extracted from nettle plant and named the cloth piece “Kishuthara” derived from the local term “Ki-shu” ( Fiber extract of nettle plant) and “Tha-ra”( weave).

Due to high demand from the market almost all women of Khoma village are engaged in weaving Kishuthara, which is the main source of income. Besides the income from Kishuthara and agriculture product, the handloom weaving culture of Kishuthara and village being surrounded by secret religious site “Nye Sangay Drado” (end Nye of Sangay Dzong). The village has now become the centre of attraction for Domestic and International Tourists which increases their source of income through providing services to the tourist like home stays. The home-stays in Khoma village provides a clear sky above our heads, as well as an aura of tranquillity and serenity away from the usual city chaos. It is surrounded by pine trees on mild slopes and is ornamented by delicious-looking orange trees and other flowers, adding to the beauty of the location.

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